Seen Scenes is a bilingual research platform exploring the connection of inside/outside the human body and the scape perceived at this time of the world.

The body and spirit is concrete and vulnerable at the same time. It is what we own, what we share. What we conjure, what we are driven of.


Seen Scenes は身体の内側と外側のつながり、そこから見える景色について、



Founder, editor, writer, translator / Ayae Takise

Born in 1990 at Tokyo, she spent her childhood in the U.S. (1992-2000). With a background in visual communication design studies, interest in various sorts of art forms, and how the body connects with the spirit, Seen Scenes is an aggregation and ongoing exploration of her utmost personal interests.

Illustration by Yurika Shiroyama
Visual identity design by
Claudia Stöckli
Translation in cooperation with Sherry Zheng, Will Fu
Website powered by Squarespace, Shopify